P.S. 8 : Dr. King's 6 Steps
Photo from the Library of Congress
“The goal of direct action is to pressure the opposition so they have no choice but to seek resolution.”
Photo of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. courtesy of Unseen Histories
We are marking this year’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday with a special P.S. Weekly episode devoted to an aspect of MLK’s legacy that isn’t as regularly studied as his “I Have a Dream” speech or his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” We’re focusing on how MLK and other leaders of the Civil Rights Movement organized — a blueprint called the Six Steps of Nonviolent Social Change.
In an educational conversation with Mira, Sabrina shares analysis and examples of how these steps shaped her own organizing as a student fighting for school integration.
To learn more about the six steps and Dr. King’s philosophy, visit The King Center.
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