Drama Over a School Arts Program and Who Gets to Swim?


Swimming lessons and arts programs can make a lasting impact on young people — but not all of them have access. Photo on left from Getty Images. Photo on right courtesy of Zelda Zynszajn.

Earlier this spring, when students at the Professional Performing Arts High School heard that their arts classes would be cut short this year, they took action to save the program. Was it enough? Reporter Sanaa Stokes has the inside story.

Compared to other major cities, New York has the fewest public swimming pools per capita. Many young people growing up here never learn to swim. Reporter Marcellino Melika explores the consequences.

P.S. Weekly is available on major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Be sure to drop a review in your app or shoot an email to PSWeekly@chalkbeat.org. Tell us what you learned today or what you’re still wondering. We just might read your comment on a future episode.

P.S. Weekly is a collaboration between Chalkbeat and The Bell. Listen for new episodes Wednesdays this spring.


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